Case: Mind Lab acquires more strategic intelligence with TaticView
Mind Lab is specialized in learning systems. The company provides methodologies and practices with the goal of preparing people for an entire life of learning.
Since 1996, Mind lab is a world leader in the field of reasoning and skills development.
Mind Lab has been adopted by thousand of schools from more than 30 countries. More than 10.000 professors were trained and certificated, and more than 2.000.000 students use it to improve their reasoning skills.
The challenges
Mind Lab needed a liberal tool that builds value in the applied service through metrics reading.
The customers (internal and external) demanded the data and metrics to be more clear, and this goes beyond a simple presentation. The operations are the company’s core. Data credibility and reliability is a strategic factor.
Working with public and private educational institutions, the Mind Lab users are very diverse, therefore, any difficulty in the use of the technology tools could be a factor determined by the product’s value perception.
The biggest challenge in the operations area was the data and metrics consolidation and report to internal and external customers. Besides organizing, it was necessary to provide data in a dynamic, online and easy reading way to the users.
The solution
Before using TaticView, data was organized manually through tools like Excel and Powerpoint. This way caused delays to deliver the results and uncertainty in the obtained information.
Through research and suggestions, Mid Lab tested and approved TaticView. It is simple to use, no complex training needed, and a good usability.
It was notably easy to use and implement the application. It is an intuitive tool. You don’t need advanced computing or programming knowledge to use it.
Another important benefit: You can access your data anywhere as it is stored in the cloud.
TaticView brought us, and Mind Lab clients, positive results immediately. There was a subtle change in the perception of values in the operations area, showing the capacity of providing a good service and a quick return over the performance metrics.
The time wasted consolidating the data got drastically reduced. The results stored in the cloud are provided in a clear and dynamic way, giving competitive advantages to Mind Lab.
What a user has to say:
“The many layout options that you have to elaborate the Dashboards create a new differential thus, we can customize our dashboards by customers, with colors and emblem. That adds more value during the presentation. I recommend TaticView for its convenience and simple use of the tool.”

Rodrigo Freitas de Souza Brun Quality Analyst/Business Intelligence Mind Lab do Brasi Mind Lab do Brasil
+55 (11) 3474-1777
Rua Humberto I, 220 – 2° andar
Vila Mariana – São Paulo – SP – CEP: 04018-030